
This bespoke counter features a wooden interior shell, with authentic salvaged brick slips to the facade, topped with a series of reclaimed architectural timbers.

For Crisis, we wanted to produce a sales counter reflective of the area's history whilst keeping a high level of visual interest to create real centre-piece for their store ajoining Brick Lane.


On this project, we worked using the existing counter designs from Crisis' other shops to create a piece that would fit within their brand style, whilst using reclaimed materials and focusing on a balance between design and everyday functionality.
The interior consists of a series of adjustable shelves and drawers, with a power source and all essential workings for both the till and gift aid stations on top.
During the design process, we discussed various aesthetic options with the team at Crisis, all by researching the history of the local area, whilst considering cost, functionality and 'wow-factor' in the competitive shopping area of Brick Lane. Our choice of vintage barn-style bricks here came from the lane's namesake, where early Flemish settlers brought the first brick kilns to London.